About Me

Some more in-depth information about me!

My taking a photo of a White Wagtail

Welcome to the about page! Here you will find some more in-depth information about myself and this website. If you are confused as to the design of the website, you will also find some answers here!


Hello there! My name is Marvin, I am 24 years old and live in Germany. My particular interests revolve around technology and language. I am the maintainer of a website dedicated to freely distributing information on the Ancient Greek language called Ancient-Greek.net. I have always found the somewhat dated things more interesting; they have more of a personality than newer things to do me, for some reason. The latter is also why I like studying ancient languages such as Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Greek. Though lately, I have been unable to study much due to my having started a full-time job.

I don’t have any scholarly background, though, and am currently working as an IT-Systemsadministrator (IT system administrator) at a company in Halle (Westf.), Germany. There, I work in customer support, coordinating the deployment of technicians to solve Internet and TV problems, solving customers’ technical issues using remote maintenance of servers and other technical equipment, and I also coordinate the deployment and setup of our new LoRaWAN network. I also responsible for managing and setting up various networks.

Additionally, I am a hobbyist author and have already published various books. I am also somewhat of a minimalist and I prefer things that are more minimalist and simply functional, rather than something overly bloated when it has no right to be.


Personally, one of the main things I spend my time on in my free-time is learning more about languages and, at present, I am focussing primarily on Attic / Koine Greek. I know a variety of scripts and have learnt a large number of languages over the course of my life; I have not, however, learnt enough of these languages to have an actual conversation and thus, the only languages I can actually speak are German, English and Swedish.

Birding and Photography

I also very much enjoy birding and frequently go outside to take photographs of birds, record their songs and calls and create spectrograms of them and I also write down my sightings in my birding log (usually using an app to record the sightings directly “in the field”). Additionally, I write birding reports from time to time and am a member of the Nordrhein-Westfälische Ornithologengesellschaft e. V. (North Rhine-Westphalian Ornithological Society) where I try to participate in voluntary bird counting programs (currently, I am part of the AG Wasservögel) and various other activites. I am also a member of the Naturschutzbund Bielefeld.


I also thoroughly like writing things, be it birding reports or books. I have written a variety of books and a handful of them have already been published as well. I mostly write translations of Ancient Greek texts (most notably the Greek New Testament) into either English or German. I have also written and published a book on the Ancient Egyptian language and how to learn it as a beginner who has no linguistic background whatsoever. You can find more information about these two books by clicking the “Books” tab in the menu. I also run a website on Ancient Greek (Ancient-Greek.net) where I publish a lot of translations and other information on the language as well.


I also enjoy travelling very much, even though I have not visited that many countries or places yet because of lack of money. Besides the language and travelling stuff, I also enjoy trying out new types of coffee, tea, wine, whisk(e)y and beer which is often accompanied by my reading a book or just listening to music (Klaus Schulze, Neuronium, Tangerine Dream, Эдуард Артемьев, 冨田 勲 — you get the picture, a lot of perhaps more ambient electronic music — and just a lot of 70s and 80s in general (I especially enjoy Japanese 70s). I also highly enjoy a lot of classical music — Beethoven and Vivaldi being one of my favourites — and I also think a lot of Vapourwave is rather nice. I also do a bit of programming every now and then. The majority of my programming projects can be found on my GitHub page.